6 Simple Pure Honey Test at Home.
As you all know that there are many brands in market and supermarkets for honey but can you identify which brand provides you a Pure Honey brand or Fake honey brand and we also cannot guarantee by looking at the content of the honey jar or its nutritional facts on the backside of the jar.
Honey has lots of health benefits, which is mainly due to a large number of vitamins and minerals that it contains. But it can only give you benefit if the honey is pure form. Many times honey is mixed with glucose and high fructose corn syrup which makes the honey in more solid form and it is also mixed with other types of honey which contains a high amount of water in it, due to this honey is getting adulterated and it loses its beneficial properties and nutrition facts and we did not get the benefits of what we want.
So as per my knowledge, I have taken out some Pure Honey Test to identify the Purity of honey or it is Fake honey.
How To Identify the Purity of Honey
- This is one of the simplest Pure honey tests. Take one tablespoon of honey in an empty glass, after that pour some water in it and wait for a minute or two-minute. You will see that if your honey is pure it will not dissolve easily in the glass and makes a pattern like a honeycomb at the bottom of the glass that means it is original honey and if the honey is dissolved then it is adulterated.
- In this technique take a Honey and try to burn the Honey, if it burns then it can easily identify the purity of honey.Because honey contains a large amount of sugar which can easily burn and become a caramelized and if the honey is not burned then it is adulteratedbecause it contains water, sugar, and moisture which prevents from burning and lightning.
- Take honey onto a spoon and hold it up if it stays on the spoon it is Pure natural honey if it falls then it’s adulterated because good quality Pure natural honeyor raw honey stay on a spoon and falls very slowly.
- You can also identify pure honey with the help of Iodine. Mix some honey, water and few drops of iodine together if it turns blue then your honey is added with some other things like starch or flour in it is adulterated.
- When we talk about Pure honey, the very first thing that comes in our mind is the relationship between bees and flowers but we can also Identify the pure honey by smell/aroma. If you smell real honey it smells like certain flowers and wild grasses while fake honey smells like the industrial sour smell and some of the fake honey don’t have smells.
- This is the last and the best test you can perform to check the purity of your honey. Keep your honey bottle into the refrigerator, pure honey doesn’t freeze in it this sign shows that your honey is pure honey.